I’m the author of two nonfiction books with a third on the way. My first, Saturday Night Widows: The Adventures of Six Friends Remaking Their Lives, is the true story of how I wrangled a mismatched gang of strangers to find our way forward after we lost our spouses at a young age. The Washington Post said my “hard-earned understanding, piercing humor and superb writing skill make this book about grief and recovery an unexpected delight, rich with wisdom and laughter.”
Next I wrote about another group of extraordinary people who pulled together to create a lasting cultural touchstone: Off the Cliff: How the Making of ‘Thelma and Louise’ Drove Hollywood to the Edge. It’s “a fierce, funny chronicle,” according to NPR, and “delicious blow-by-blow account,” per the BBC.
I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and moved to New York to earn a degree at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where I won a Pulitzer Traveling Fellowship. Then I had a blast covering the creative businesses of New York – entertainment, publishing, food and fashion – for New York Newsday. I’ve also written for The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, BusinessWeek, and others.
My public speaking and media interviews include CBS This Morning, NPR, The Katie Couric Show, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and TIME.
In all my work, I aim to tell true stories that read with the gripping momentum of novels. It’s a daily challenge and joy.